Thinking in Redux – Part 1

Before we start building real world redux apps, lets understand redux style.  One of the most important part of redux style is how we design the redux app store. Redux store is just json data and its design can be different from one app to another app and/or  one developer to another developer.

We need to think about the design of our redux app store in the beginning of redux app development process. Just the way we plan the design of database of any application before we start developing the application.

Redux has a very important and helpful tool to trace the state of redux app store before and after any action takes place. Name of this great tool is redux-logger. We need to add it as a middle-ware to our redux based application to log the state of redux app store.

In the video below I will show you three redux apps and there different store designs. This will give you a good picture of how you can layout the design of your redux app store.

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