Create a Quiz App using React Native

Quiz is a good way to allow users to interact with your app and make your app interesting. In this article we will add quiz feature to a boiler plate membership app. This boiler plate app is built with React Native and Firebase and has the following features :

  1. Login
  2. Registration
  3. Email verification
  4. User Listing
  5. User’s Profile
  6. In App Messaging
  7. Skill based filter
  8. Distance based filter ( similar to tinder)

You can check the demo of this app here. You can check the features of this app here and if you want, you can get it from here.

To start with the quiz app, first we will add a navigation link to Playquiz screen. Below is the code of Playquiz screen :

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Quiz  from '../../components/quiz';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
export default class Playquiz extends Component {
    this.state = {
      quizFinish : false,
      score: 0
    const {goBack} = this.props.navigation
    this.setState({ quizFinish: true, score : score })
    if(score <= 30){
      return (<View style={styles.innerContainer} >
                <View style={{ flexDirection: "row"}} >
                  <Icon name="trophy" size={30} color="white" />
                <Text style={styles.score}>You need to work hard</Text>
                <Text style={styles.score}>You scored {score}%</Text>
    }else if(score > 30 && score < 60){
      return (<View style={styles.innerContainer} >
                  <View style={{ flexDirection: "row"}} >
                    <Icon name="trophy" size={30} color="white" />
                    <Icon name="trophy" size={30} color="white" />
                  <Text style={styles.score}>You are good</Text>
                  <Text style={styles.score}>Congrats you scored {score}% </Text>
    }else if(score >= 60){
      return (<View style={styles.innerContainer}>
                 <View style={{ flexDirection: "row"}} >
                     <Icon name="trophy" size={30} color="white" />
                     <Icon name="trophy" size={30} color="white" />
                     <Icon name="trophy" size={30} color="white" />
                  <Text style={styles.score}>You are the master</Text>
                  <Text style={styles.score}>Congrats you scored {score}% </Text>
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{flex:1}}>
      <StatusBar barStyle="light-content"/>
      <View style={styles.toolbar}>
                    <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this._onPressBack() }><Text style={styles.toolbarButton}>Back</Text></TouchableOpacity>
                    <Text style={styles.toolbarTitle}></Text>
                    <Text style={styles.toolbarButton}></Text>

       { this.state.quizFinish ? <View style={styles.container}>
           <View style={}>

             { this._scoreMessage(this.state.score) }

       </View> :  <Quiz quizFinish={(score) => this._quizFinish(score)} /> }

const scoreCircleSize = 300
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  score: {
    color: "white",
    fontSize: 20,
    fontStyle: 'italic'
  circle: {
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    width: scoreCircleSize,
    height: scoreCircleSize,
    borderRadius: scoreCircleSize/2,
    backgroundColor: "green"
  innerContainer: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
        width: 55,

In the above code, we are checking status of ‘quizFinish’ state. If status is false we render Quiz component. If status is true, we get scores and render score with a congrats message.

Now lets check the real meat of this app ie Quiz component. Below is the code of quiz.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons';
import Animbutton from './animbutton'
const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window')
let arrnew = []
const jsonData = {"quiz" : {
  "quiz1" : {
    "question1" : {
      "correctoption" : "option3",
      "options" : {
        "option1" : "Java",
        "option2" : "PHP",
        "option3" : "Javascript",
        "option4" : "IOS"
      "question" : "React is a ____ library"
    "question2" : {
      "correctoption" : "option4",
      "options" : {
          "option1" : "XML",
          "option2" : "YML",
          "option3" : "HTML",
          "option4" : "JSX"
      "question" : "____ tag syntax is used in React"
    "question3" : {
      "correctoption" : "option1",
      "options" : {
          "option1" : "Single root DOM node",
          "option2" : "Double root DOM node",
          "option3" : "Multiple root DOM node",
          "option4" : "None of the above"
      "question" : "Application built with just React usually have ____"
    "question4" : {
      "correctoption" : "option2",
      "options" : {
          "option1" : "mutable",
          "option2" : "immutable",
          "option3" : "variable",
          "option4" : "none of the above"
      "question" : "React elements are ____"
    "question5" : {
      "correctoption" : "option3",
      "options" : {
          "option1" : "functions",
          "option2" : "array",
          "option3" : "components",
          "option4" : "json data"
      "question" : "React allows to split UI into independent and reusable pieses of ____"
export default class Quiz extends Component {
    this.qno = 0
    this.score = 0

    const jdata = jsonData.quiz.quiz1
    arrnew = Object.keys(jdata).map( function(k) { return jdata[k] });
    this.state = {
      question : arrnew[this.qno].question,
      options : arrnew[this.qno].options,
      correctoption : arrnew[this.qno].correctoption,
      countCheck : 0

    if(this.qno > 0){
      this.setState({ question: arrnew[this.qno].question, options: arrnew[this.qno].options, correctoption : arrnew[this.qno].correctoption})
    if(this.qno < arrnew.length-1){

      this.setState({ countCheck: 0, question: arrnew[this.qno].question, options: arrnew[this.qno].options, correctoption : arrnew[this.qno].correctoption})

    if(status == true){
        const count = this.state.countCheck + 1
        this.setState({ countCheck: count })
        if(ans == this.state.correctoption ){
          this.score += 1
        const count = this.state.countCheck - 1
        this.setState({ countCheck: count })
        if(this.state.countCheck < 1 || ans == this.state.correctoption){
        this.score -= 1

  render() {
    let _this = this
    const currentOptions = this.state.options
    const options = Object.keys(currentOptions).map( function(k) {
      return (  <View key={k} style={{margin:10}}>

        <Animbutton countCheck={_this.state.countCheck} onColor={"green"} effect={"tada"} _onPress={(status) => _this._answer(status,k)} text={currentOptions[k]} />


    return (
      <ScrollView style={{backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',paddingTop: 10}}>
      <View style={styles.container}>

      <View style={{ flex: 1,flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: 'center',}}>

      <View style={styles.oval} >
        <Text style={styles.welcome}>
        { options }
        <View style={{flexDirection:"row"}}>
      {/*   <Button
          onPress={() => this.prev()}
        <View style={{margin:15}} />*/}

        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() =>} >
          <View style={{paddingTop: 5,paddingBottom: 5, paddingRight: 20, paddingLeft: 20, borderRadius:10, backgroundColor:"green"}}>
            <Icon name="md-arrow-round-forward" size={30} color="white" />
        </TouchableOpacity >


const styles = StyleSheet.create({

  oval: {
  width: width * 90/100,
  borderRadius: 20,
  backgroundColor: 'green'
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    alignItems: 'center'
  welcome: {
    fontSize: 20,
    margin: 15,
    color: "white"
  instructions: {
    textAlign: 'center',
    color: '#333333',
    marginBottom: 5,

In the above code, first we are importing animated toggle button (that we create in our previous tutorial). Next, we are initializing constant ‘jsonData’ with questions, options and correct options of quiz. You will notice that we have maintained No-sql format for quiz data. So, if we want we can save it in firebase like database as well. We are using ‘qno’ and ‘score’ fields to keep track of question no. and scores respectively.  We convert the json data to array so that we can easily traverse thorough questions with every ‘next’ button touch. Current question, its options and correct option are initialized to state for rendering. State ‘countCheck’ is used to validate toggle button, so that user is not able to mark two options correct at the same time. Methods ‘prev’ and ‘next’ are used to navigate to previews and next question respectively. Even though we are not using previous question navigation, if you want you can use it. Method ‘answer’ is used to calculate the scores of the player. And finally, we are rendering questions with there options sequentially.

Things to do :

  1. You can modify the above code to add different types of quizzes and allow the users to choose a quiz before they play it.
  2. If you have the membership app you can sort users list according to the scores made by them. User with highest score will be listed first.
  3. Save the quiz data in firebase and render it by fetching it from firebase db.
  4. Add more animation effects and sound effects to make quiz interesting.

Video tutorial and Demo :

3 thoughts on “Create a Quiz App using React Native”

  1. Hello,
    I really liked this application. Could you help me achieve a couple of modifications?

    1. After clicking an answer choice, that choice always remain GREEN on the next screen.
    How can I default to original?

    2. I am trying to call the next() function from the _answer() function (trying to remove the ARROW button
    I want to implement so that for a brief period of time, lets say 500 ms, I show the selected choice as either
    GREEN (if answer is correct) OR RED (if answer is wrong).
    All the other choices are disabled at this time.
    After 500ms, the next question is displayed.

    You can reach me at the email I used to post this comment.


    1. Also I am having same issue as Girish

      1. After clicking an answer choice, that choice always remain GREEN on the next screen.
      How can I default to original?

Comments are closed.